Pasta salmone, sedano e avocado

While in Italy for my maternity leave, I bought this book, which has a lot of interesting recipes. I was inspired to try “Spaghetti con crema di avocado, sedano e briciole di pane” (Spaghetti with avocado cream, celery, and breadcrumbs), but I needed to make it more husband-friendly (“Pasta with AVOCADO???”). So I substituted salmon for breadcrumbs and, even though he still wasn’t too convinced (“Is it normal that the pasta sauce is green?”), he liked the pasta so much that he helped himself to it twice.

Also, both avocado and salmon (a combination I really like and that I eat often) are packed with healthy fats and omega-3: taste and wellness in a dish!

pasta salmone avocado

Pasta with salmon, celery, and avocado (serves 2):

200 gr. wholewheat fusilli

250 gr. fresh salmon fillet

1 avocado

4 small celery ribs, plus the leaves

50 gr. fresh goat cheese

zest and juice of one lemon

1 tbsp XV olive oil


salt and black pepper, to taste

First of all, steam the salmon fillet and put water to boil for the pasta. Peel the avocado and cut the pulp into cubes. Remove the filament from the celery, thinly slice the ribs and chop the leaves.

In a food processor, blend together the avocado, celery leaves, goat cheese, lemon zest and juice, oil, black pepper, and some water to make the mixture creamy and soft. Season to taste.

Once the pasta is cooked, dress with the avocado and celery cream, and sprinkle with the salmon bits.

Buon appetito!

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